Wesley Acres retirement home - swastika-shaped
Jewish groups have asked that the building be altered
Learn more at upi.com | Show nearby | Submitter: paulheckbert

From: jay
Mon Mar 24 14:39:35 -0700 2008
I am totally outraged at this comment about the swastika.
The swastika is a Hindu religous symbol and not a natzi symbol. It was used in WW2 by adolf hitler and should not be looked at as a evil symbol due to it misuse by adolf hitler. The swastika is the hindu symbol of a cross and why disgrace another culture by tieing it to the misuse of mad man in WW2. The jewish comminuty should get some education on the swastika and stop taking a hindu symbol of good over evil for something bad. Hindus dont go around blaming other cultures for the misuse of their religous symbols. Show the hindus some respect and leave our swastika alone....

From: jay
Mon Mar 24 14:43:12 -0700 2008
I am totally outraged at this comment about the swastika.
The swastika is a Hindu religious symbol and not a Nazi symbol. It was used in WW2 by Adolf Hitler and should not be looked at as an evil symbol due to it misuse by Adolf Hitler. The swastika is the Hindu symbol of a cross and why disgraces another culture by tying it to the misuse of mad man in WW2. The Jewish community should get some education on the swastika and stop taking a Hindu symbol of good over evil for something bad. Hindus don’t go around blaming other cultures for the misuse of their religious symbols. Show the Hindus some respect and leave our swastika alone....

From: Sub Girl
Tue Mar 25 12:17:57 -0700 2008
Religious Icons are missed used all the time. Be outraged all you want it will never change the fact that he was the definition of evil. Especially to Jews. He may have misused that symbol but it will forever be related to that. Hindu is not the first religion to be robed of something good to be used in negative way. It will not be the last.

From: Sipayi
Fri Mar 28 10:08:27 -0700 2008
Agree with Jay.
Also, Hitler's swastika is at an angle compared to Hindu swastika, and also there are no 'serif's to it.
How unfortunate that a holy symbol, which is thousands of years old suffers due to myopic worldly vision of some people.


From: Sub Girl
Fri Mar 28 12:06:29 -0700 2008
The swastika is not only a Hindu icon. It has been used through out history by many different religions.


Unfortunately the most popular use of it was such a negative one.

No matter how good or pure something is someone, somewhere will ruin it. I'm defiantly not saying its right but people do it all the time for lots of different reason. When most people think of Paganism they think of devil worship or animal sacrifice. All of which is not true. Paganism is an earth worshiping religion. They don't even believe in a "Devil" deity. Most of the pagan symbols have been misuse by Christianity in a negative way. The Pentacle is a symbol of the 5 elements. Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit. Not devil worship. The look of the devil himself was taken from the Pagan Green Man, whom is the guardian of nature and represents mankind’s union with the natural world.

From: Sub Girl
Fri Mar 28 12:16:41 -0700 2008
The Pagan Horned God, whom is also used by Christanity as the devil, is the archetypal horned Shaman, related to the ancient Gods of vegetation and the hunt.

From: Indy in Indiana
Mon Mar 31 12:51:05 -0700 2008
For the love of God, it's a stupid building the was built in a shape that offends "most" people. If it isn't offensive to you, fine. Don't question the reason it offends others, they are obvious, unless you live in Iran or Venezuela and believe what you dumb ass Presidents say. You could also be too young or dumb to pick up a history book, I don't know. Blame Hitler for ruining the symbolic meaning. Your not going to be able to "take it back" as they say, unless you burn the History Books. Which would come full circle to the Hitler thing again. Good luck with that.

From: a_cobb82
Mon Mar 31 16:44:35 -0700 2008
It's also a very convenient building design. Easier to organize and harder to get lost in than some labyrinths. Not as good as some others but still.

Strange some would accuse a retirement home of "paying homage to nazis" since probably a lot of people in there fought in a war against the nazis. Oh well.

From: Sipayi
Sat Apr 05 13:59:19 -0700 2008
Well, may be Indianapole has a point!
I am for banning all cones - snow cones, snowman cones - as they remind me of KKK.

This has just outraged all of us!


From: radar131
Tue Jun 30 18:30:39 -0700 2009
Who cares what it looks like from the air!!! My mother-in-law lived there for over 7 years and received the very best of Christian care and love not only from the other residents but also the staff. Why do we always have to let some religious organization make something out of nothing at all. As a devout Christian, my church choir has been invited to sing there many times and they have shared many wonderful meals with us also. It is a great facility that was designed solely for optimum space in a small area.
Come on guys!!!


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