Ayers Rock (Uluru)
Learn more at en.wikipedia.org | Show nearby | Submitter: Joe Stegmaier

From: kieran007
Wed Jul 20 00:56:42 -0700 2005
looking for dis

From: jimmy g
Fri Jan 13 02:18:31 -0800 2006
This view is great what an excellent site.If you have not seen it for real come to Australia it is the most brilliant park in an ancient, remote and powerfully spiritual setting.Jimmy G

From: jimmy g
Tue Feb 07 04:43:11 -0800 2006
regarding the Giant Fried egg at ,or just south of burra s.a. it is a salt lake on private farming property about 20 kms south of burra on highway64 the barrier highway.it is most likely part of gordon lagoon salt lake complex in the Hundred of worlds end.The egg colour would be possibly insoluble iron compounds or magnesium or calcium silicates. regards jimmy g


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