Ancient Meteor Crater

From: [email protected]
Tue Mar 14 00:02:54 -0800 2006
Wow...if that's a meteor crater, it is over 20 miles across!

From: josephizf
Mon Mar 20 10:56:27 -0800 2006
That's not an impact or volcanic crater, it took some research, but I eventually managed to find this forum thread about it on another site:
The last post is the important one.

Turns out it's part of Oregon's "Basin and Range" area, and just happens to look like a crater of some kind.

From: tedder
Mon Mar 20 11:38:26 -0800 2006
awesome. Even has a reply from someone at CVO.

So, what should I title this? "Oregon's Basin and Range"?

From: wolachii
Sun Mar 26 22:48:16 -0800 2006
It's actually an ancient volcano that collapsed into itself during an eruption. Park officials called it Mt Mazama before the collapse.

From: wolachii
Sun Mar 26 22:59:58 -0800 2006
Ignore my last post - I see you're all referring to that "circular" spot to the east of Crater Lake.

From: tedder
Fri Nov 17 18:27:45 -0800 2006
I confirmed with a well-known meteor/crater expert that this is actually a *volcanic* crater. I don't know anything about it though- if someone turns it up, please post it here.


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