Irrigation Circles
Submitter: timfrost

From: SeeKar
Sun May 21 19:42:29 -0700 2006
Those aren't oil tanks. They're irrigation circles.

From: timfrost
Mon May 22 03:51:19 -0700 2006
Sorry. You are right, considering the size of the circles. Anyway, I thought it was an interesting pattern that looked rather like an Irish terrier.

From: SeeKar
Mon May 22 16:46:02 -0700 2006
I didn't see that before! Nice catch!

From: Alan
Wed May 24 18:49:04 -0700 2006
Pretty amazing. Even when you zoom out far enough to see the Red Sea, you can still see these irrigation circles! Question: What is the white line that's running through the area? Is it a big runway?

From: paulheckbert
Sat Mar 15 21:20:13 -0700 2008
That's the Kufra oasis, where a huge aquifer was discovered. See:
Did you zoom in and notice the cool hexagons to the west of the irrigation circles?


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