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Welcome to | Try to solve this google map quiz
On this page you can try to solve the shown google map quiz. In the upper part of the page you see a satellite picture. Drag and zoom the map in the lower part of the page until it shows the same location as the upper map. To zoom the map, you can use the zoom bar at the left or the scroll wheel of your mouse. The zoom level must match exactly, the latitude and longitude only approximately. When you solved the map quiz, the field on the left of the map will turn green.
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Find the place on this map...

ID of the map quiz:
Creation date of the quiz:
Times it was solved before:
Map zoom level:
2015-07-24 08:40:15
Some Hints for your Help:
  • See
  • Europa
  • Wein
Your solution... Step Drag/zoom the lower map. Zoom must match exactly, latitude/longitude approximately.
Latitude: Longitude: Zoom:


Watch the placeSpotting YouTube video.