Lockheed-Martin aircraft plant
does anyone know what this plant makes?

From: LJ1985
Wed May 02 12:41:03 -0700 2007
They make the Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22A Raptor

From: SeeKar
Wed May 02 14:20:32 -0700 2007
Also, the C5 and C130 are built here and, up until a few years ago, the C141. The building you are seeing is the B-1 building (not as in B-1 bomber, just building #B-1).

From: wyzig
Wed Jul 04 17:41:05 -0700 2007
Worked the C5 flightline in 69-70. Oldtimers called B-1 B29 cause some where built there under license during WW2


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