Greek Amphitheater

From: guarracino
Wed Aug 31 06:20:02 -0700 2005
This is the roman amphitheatre. From the following page:

"Piazza Stesicoro – At the centre of the square lie the remains of a grand Roman amphitheatre that could accomodate over 15,000 spectators. Much of the structure unfortunately lies hidden below the square and the surrounding baroque buildings."

From: barbatus
Wed Aug 31 08:20:18 -0700 2005
Thanks for the link, Guarracino.

It was obvious, of course, but I wasn't sure for I can't find any references at the time.

From: tedder
Wed Aug 31 09:58:52 -0700 2005
So, what do you guys recommend I title this entry as?

From: barbatus
Wed Aug 31 10:51:27 -0700 2005
Roman Amphitheater in Catania

From: zoomx
Fri Apr 21 04:49:16 -0700 2006
This is NOT a roman amphitheatre and this is NOT Piazza Stesicoro! This is a greek theatre (roman amphiteatre are elliptical not half circle) and is located in Vittorio Emanuele street. The amphitheatre, and Piazza Stesicoro, is at about 500m NNE from here, but you can see only a little part of it because the other is under the 1669 lava field.


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