Hart Island Potter's Field
Cemetery for anonymous
Learn more at en.wikipedia.org | Show nearby | Submitter: Kevin Limongelli

From: Leo
Fri Jan 06 06:47:02 -0800 2006
Invisible from the satelite are the more than three quarters of a million burials on Hart Island making this location the largest public cemetery in America. It is run by the New York City Department of Correction. Prison labor performs the daily burials of unclaim and unidentified people who die within the boundaries of New York City. See hartisland.org for more info.

From: Leo
Fri Jan 06 06:51:37 -0800 2006
Invisible from the satelite are the more than three quarters of a million burials on Hart Island making this location the largest public cemetery in America. It is run by the New York City Department of Correction. Prison labor performs the daily burials of unclaimed and unidentified people who die within the boundaries of New York City. See hartisland.org for more info.


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